Saturday, 16 September 2017

Elliptical editing.

Elliptical editing (otherwise known as a jump cut) is an editing technique which is used to show a passage of time to the viewer. This could be used to show a large or small passage of time. This simple and basic technique allows narratives to span large spatial and temporal distances without the need to follow dull action, therefore a scene that may last 30 minutes of somebody walking down the street, buying something and returning home, can instead be cut down to a 2 minute journey in order to not lose interest of the audience, cutting out unnecessary or 'boring' action. A cut, fade or dissolve, can all indicate different amounts of time passing and can facilitate the movement in 'natural time' (filming ever minute in regular time). Elliptical editing can reduce screen time, but retains natural times’ effects on the temporal environment of the screen world and the characters’ involved.
This clip from Batman Begins is an example of elliptical editing where hours are shortened into a space of minutes.

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